Bittersweet Endeavors Page 16
“Where does this lead?” she whispered. Before Thomas answered, the earthshaking crash on the other side of the panel revealed that Zachary breached her bedchamber door.
“Away from him,” Thomas whispered.
She grabbed Thomas’s arm and clung to him. “Does he know of these passages?” she asked in a frightened whisper.
“Nay, I don’t believe so. I am told Mister Frederickson only recently acquired this house,” he said quietly. “I was sent to the cellars to load some shipments that came from the dock, t’was then I discovered the hidden compartments in the house. I’m not aware of anyone knowing about them, let alone Frederickson”
“This is only prolonging the inevitable,” Myra sighed. I cannot sneak inside here every time he attempts his advances.”
“Why not?”
Myra smiled. Aye, indeed, why not? She almost laughed aloud at the ironic image of her predicament. She wondered how many other young brides wished for a secret compartment for hiding when their groomsmen came to consummate their vows.
“Stay here,” he directed. “I’m going to go back and find an excuse to get him away from the house and away from you. You’ll be safe for tonight, I promise.”
“Thank you, but…but why? Why would you risk your own life to help me? Not that I don’t appreciate it,” she amended. “But he’ll kill you for this interference.”
“Let’s just say that we have a mutual friend who’ll appreciate that I’ve helped to keep you safe.”
She heard a smile in his voice. “No matter the reason, I’m grateful for your kindness.”
“Until we shall meet again, milady,” he said, and then he was gone.
She wondered who Thomas Witcliff was and what mutual friend they shared that he would want to keep her safe. She wondered if it was Seth. A clatter of furniture banged against the wall and it shook the panels within her secret chamber. She heard distinct guttural sounds of displeasure as Zachary seethed out his anger. She held her breath when Thomas interrupted Zachary.
“There’s trouble, sir,” she heard Thomas say to Zachary. Amazed by his calmness, she admired his bravery.
“Trouble?” Zachary shouted. “I need no more trouble!” The sound of another object tossed against the wall and hit near her hidden door. It startled her, and she scooted further back and fervently prayed that the secret door wouldn’t be revealed.
“‘Twould seem that the Injuns are breeching the boundaries in the east end of the estate.”
“Bloody Hell!” Zachary yelled. “Do those heathens not have a whit of sense? We could blow them all away with our muzzles and yet they still make their way to be a nuisance to us,” he said, disgusted. “Take care of it, I have more pressing matters.”
“The problem is, sir,” Thomas interrupted. “They’ve been spotted lurking about the alcove where you have—” Thomas hesitated a moment but finally finished with, “Supplies stocked.”
“What?” Zachary shouted. “How? T’was more than sufficiently hidden from view.”
Myra wondered what Zachary had concealed in the alcove, but knew by Zachary’s reaction, it wasn’t supposed to have been found. Whatever it was, it was important enough to draw Zachary away from the house. She had heard rumors that Zachary dealt with privateers and had partaken in secret trading practices, but she didn’t know what to believe. If it was true, and if The King caught word of it, their marriage mattered naught, he’d pay dearly for his acts of multiple treachery against The King. The man truly was a fool.
“Rally some of the men together. We shall lie in wait for the Injuns and slay them all by morning!”
Myra heard the distinctive sound of Zachary’s pistol as he clicked back the cocking mechanism. A chill ran through her after she realized that he had brought the firearm when he sought her out for his marital pleasures. She wondered what he intended. The thought left her sickened that he may have considered holding her at gunpoint and forced her into submission. Myra shivered. The man was a beast!
“Also send someone to check for my wife’s fool-maid to be sure she is still in residence! If she’s here, so shalt my wife be,” he growled. “When her maid is found, lock her in the cellars,” he sneered. “That shall certainly teach my wife a lesson. No better way to hurt my dear wife than to hurt another.”
“Aye, sir,” Thomas replied.
The tension didn’t leave Myra until she heard Zachary’s heavy boots stomp from her room and the door closed behind him. Despite his departure, she didn’t feel it was safe enough to leave her sanctuary. She also didn’t think her legs could take her very far after being cramped in the tight spot. She remained a few moments more and wiggled her toes to increase the circulation. When she felt safe enough to leave, she paused and looked down the corridor of darkness and wondered if Thomas might return, but all remained quiet.
Tomorrow, she noted, she’d travel and memorize the tunnels in case they proved to be beneficial while she remained in Zachary’s house. No doubt, she’d require use of the hidden compartment again, but there was no time then to search them out. She needed to leave and find Lucia. As she expected, Zachary used her friend against her. Since Zachary’s instable anger increased, they’d need to take action soon and leave Jamestown as Lucia suggested, she surmised.
Myra crawled through the hidden door and returned to her room. Zachary’s childish outburst had left the room in shambles. A goblet smashed against the wall left shards of glass littered on the floor. Her blankets and sheets were strewed across the room. Her desk, which was neatly arranged with paper and ink, was now flung onto the floor. The ink spilled and stained the woodened boards. She stretched her legs. A knock on the door alarmed her and she cringed behind the chair of her desk. Yet if it was Zachary returning, surely he’d have forced himself through the door, and that wouldn’t be difficult since the lock was broken from his latest outburst.
Myra crept to the door and cautiously opened it. A young, timid maid handed her a note and curtsied. “I was told to give this to you, mum.”
Myra leaned out her door and checked the corridor. She read the note which was signed by a simple T. Thomas, she breathed out in relief. His note warned of Lucia’s imprisonment and apologized for being forced to carry out the deed.
“Did you see them take my maid? Is she all right?”
“They’n taken her down below. Tis bad down there, milady.”
The girl’s already chalky pallor paled considerably more. The girl, no older than thirteen years, stepped back and her eyes widened in fear. She took another step back and looked as if she might dash down the hall. Myra reached for her arm and held her in place and prevented her retreat.
“Tis all right,” Myra soothed. “I need to know if she’s come to harm. Did my husband hurt her?”
“Nay ma’am, not yet, but it’ll be them rats down there that could do her some harm.”
“Oh my, rats—” Myra repeated.
“Oh, not be’in the sort of rats you be thinkin’ of, mum.” The girl’s innocent eyes grew wide and she gasped. She obviously said more than intended.
“What are you talking about?” Myra tightened her hands around the girl’s forearms and slightly shook her. The girl quivered and pulled herself away, but Myra held her firmly in place. “You’ll tell me now,” Myra demanded.
“The men,” she breathed out. “The men who are below.”
“What men?”
The girl looked nervously down the hall and stepped forward assuring that only Myra heard her. “But the master will kill me if he even thought I knew.” Tears seeped from her dark brown eyes. “I beseech you, milady, don’t make me tell more.”
Myra wasted no more time. The frightened girl wouldn’t tell her anything further than she had already spoken. She couldn’t blame her. She heard more than enough to know that Lucia was in grave danger. Any time wasted was costing Lucia God only knew what.
“Fetch Seth Preston and tell him I need his assistance. Go, be quiet about i
t,” Myra ordered. “Make haste and tell him it’s an urgent matter.”
If the secret alcove that held supplies and the rats below were connected, Myra knew it was more than she was able to handle alone. Despite the dangers that lurked below, she wasn’t able to wait until Seth came and helped. Lucia required her assistance without delay.
Myra ran down the steps and made way to the main hallway. She knew the door beneath the steps led to the grounds below, but it’d be difficult to navigate since she didn’t have any idea what rooms laid below, but she didn’t let that deter her. She’d find her way somehow. She had to or else there may be severe consequences.
A foreboding sense of danger chilled her bones as she entered the cellar door into the darkness. “Please, come soon, Seth,” she whispered as she descended the steps.
An unlit lantern hung inside the doorway and Myra quickly lit its wick. A distant scream from the depths below conveyed Lucia’s distress. Myra urgently took the perilous steps that were unevenly carved out of the dirt. Her heart thumped heavily in her chest. Aware it’d be a good while before Seth made his way there, she trembled with fear. She’d be alone in this endeavor and it scared the wits out of her.
Myra followed the sound of Lucia’s cries until she faced a large, splintered wood door. Another terrifying scream resounded through the hall, and without hesitation or concern for her safety, Myra cast open the door and confronted the unknown attackers.
“Mercy! You are pirates!” The words unwittingly left her lips as she viewed the scene in front of her. At least ten of the roughest, most vile looking men she’d ever the misfortune to set eyes upon stood staring back at her. She recovered her breath, but Myra stood firm and gave her bravest stance. “Who are you?” she demanded, but not to any particular man.
“Who are you?” One of the men whose hand fondled Lucia’s bare breast stepped forward and was the first to speak. Lucia’s face streamed with tears and she visibly shook. She was shackled to a wooden post; her dress was ripped and her breasts were exposed for all the men to see.
“I’m Lady Myra, wife of Zachary Frederickson who owns this home you are trespassing. I demand you let go of that woman and leave the premises posthaste.” Her voice gave much more authority than she felt, or for that matter possessed, but she hoped that they believed her ruse of confidence.
“Ah, the Lady Myra, eh?” The voice came from another man who pitched his words out in broken English between rotted teeth. His eyes traveled the distance and glanced at her from head to heel, making a slow sweep across her middle. He began to make his way toward her but was diverted when another voice spoke up, and the man moved back within the shadows of the barely lit room.
“So, you’re the woman who has our Zachary in such a state?” The man’s voice was nearly perfect English, although his accent hinted at his Spanish decent. The group of men opened a space and allowed the man to pass into view. His long, curly black hair was tied in the back with twine and Myra was surprised, for he didn’t look as if he belonged. Other than being cleaned, his breeches and bright red waistcoat appeared in neat and new order, unlike the dirty tattered clothing the other men wore. His face also regarded her with gentleness, which was also unlike the other men in the room, who either glared or ogled her. Although it appeared he may be easier to hear reason, she decided she’d remain cautious considering the company he kept among him.
As he approached, Myra fought the urge to step back. She didn’t want him or the other men to sense her trepidation. Myra glanced at Lucia’s frightened face, and it helped Myra persist in feigning courage and confront the men.
“Free my maid,” she commanded to the man who appeared to be the auger of the group.
“I cannot do that,” he replied politely.
“Certainly you can,” Myra pressed politely.
“I’m not the one who placed her here, so it’s not my place to remove her,” he smiled. “As you so graciously reminded, this isn’t our dwelling, but that of your husband.”
“Then leave her be. Call your men off of her this instant,” she rushed out after two of the men began wickedly stroking Lucia’s body with their filthy hands.
“My men?” He smiled, and despite Lucia’s cries of torment and protest behind him, he wasn’t the least affected. His dark brown eyes twinkled with amusement. “And what makes you believe these men are mine?” A low rumble of laughter lifted his chest when the words left his lips. “There are a great many things I freely stake claim to, but these men are certainly not any of them.” He raked his hand through rich black hair and then crossed his broad arms across his chest.
“I am sure you can convince them that it’s in their best interest to leave my maid alone.” Lucia let out a sharp yelp as one of the men lowered his hand and began raising her skirt upward. “Do it now. Please,” Myra urged.
“Although your husband may not be pleased…as you wish, Mrs. Frederickson.” The man closed his eyes and bowed his head toward her. A scarce look at the offending pirates who surrounded Lucia gave enough indication of his demand, and the men immediately released her bounds. They moved away from her and Lucia ran to her side and held the ripped section of her dress protectively against her chest with her hand.
“Are you hurt? Did they do any other harm other than this,” she whispered to Lucia, indicating her gown, but insinuated much more. Lucia shook her head no in reply. Myra closed her eyes and gave a moment to offer God thanks that she’d reached her in time before the scoundrels inflicted worst harm upon her.
“Your maid fares well enough. No serious harm has been imposed upon her,” the man before her stated. “These men meant no true harm.”
Despite his claim he wasn’t in charge, Myra saw that the man held some power over them. She saw the men’s fear as well as their respect as they, too, watched the man before her.
“I offer my thanks for your assistance.” Myra took Lucia by the hand and began walking to the door that led to their exit.
“Halt, Senora.” His previous pleasant tone turned cold and sinister. “The young maid may go, but you, shall remain.”
Lucia held onto her hand so tight that it felt as if entrapped in stone. She turned to Lucia and whispered for her to leave. But Lucia fervently shook her head and tightened her grasp.
“I’ll not leave you,” she returned in a quivered voice.
“Seth is on his way, you must show him the way down here once he arrives,” she said, as she hid her words in their departing embrace.
Tears filed Lucia’s eyes and she reluctantly left. Myra stood guard as the door closed behind her and she was determined to fight until her death if any of the loathsome men took to follow her.
“Tis my belief,” Myra said with the most bravado she could muster, “That my husband would take much offense if you or any of these men attempted anything improper where I’m concerned. He’ll surely kill you for any fool-hearted attempt to compromise me.”
“Is that what you believe, Senora?” Without a glance in the direction of the other men, the dark-haired stranger waved his muscular, bronze hand. The men quickly dispersed within the shadows and then out of the room by way of a door at the other end of the room.
“That is what I know, sir. Now kindly remove yourself from the premises and be on your way forthwith.” Strangely, just the one man caused more apprehension within her than when all the men surrounded her.
He took a threatening step toward her and Myra continued to step back, but each step was conquered by another, and he closed in on her. Trapped, her back stood flat against the door to her exit. His hands outstretched and captured her between him and the door, and he leaned down. Their noses nearly touched. Her breath caught heavily in her throat and hindered the scream she wanted to let loose.
“I don’t fear your husband, Senora, but it’s your husband who fears me,” he said menacingly. “Do not ever forget that.”
Myra turned her face away from him. Her cheek pressed hard ag
ainst the wood of the door and a splinter worked its way into her cheek. She winced in protest.
He gently held her by the shoulders, but his strength prevented her from bolting. When he drew her into his arms and placed a chaste, gentle kiss on either side of her cheeks, she took a sparse second to look at him. She prepared herself for the worst, and when she convinced herself that she had the strength to handle whatever pain he was about to inflict, he opened the door and let her go free.
“Farewell, Senora Frederickson.”
Myra didn’t let her shock impede her movement. No matter his reason for letting her go, she knew his generosity might only be a temporary reprieve. Eminent danger still lurked within the cellar walls. Her hands raised her skirts way beyond decency and she ran as fast as her feet could travel through the dark corridors that led to the house above.
She rounded the corner to the upstairs door when she encountered the hard expanse of a masculine chest. It reeled her backwards and nearly toppled her to the floor. Her heart felt as though it rose into her throat. She swallowed the scream that desperately needed released, but then someone grabbed her arm and pulled her upright.
“What has happened?”
Thank all the saints above. Seth came!
“I received your message,” he added when she didn’t say anything. “Lucia said you were in danger but she didn’t have time to explain.”
“Oh, Seth, I was so frightened.” She wrapped her arms around him and held tightly.
“Is Lucia all right? Where is she?”
“I sent her back to my home and told her to stay there until I found you.” Seth pushed her back to arm’s length. “What is this about? Has Zachary harmed you?” He looked down the corridor from which she came, and after pushing her aside, he started down that direction with determined, forceful steps.
“Nay! It wasn’t him,” she cried. “Please, Seth. There are too many of them for you to fight. We have to leave.”